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Precision Sets APIv1

Precision Sets API

The Precision Sets API leverages IMO's capabilities for retrieving and searching for value sets, supporting both FHIR and generic responses.

Use Cases

The Precision Sets API allows users to retrieve their value sets as well as search through their value sets. The API is a solution for users who need to:

  • Retrieve their individual value sets
  • Retrieve a list of their value sets based off of search criteria

How to call the API

To call the Precision Sets API, you'll first need to authenticate through the use of an access token. From there, you can begin making requests to the API.


Once you have your Client ID and Client Secret from IMO, follow these steps to construct the `Authorization` header.

Send a POST request to:

with body:


and header: 

content-type: application/json

The response will give you the access_token. Use that to create the header:

Authorization: "Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE"

Please contact IMO Customer Support at if you do not know your Client ID/Secret.

Making a request

Determine the API endpoint you'd like to call, and call it as such replacing the endpoint:

curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE"

The response format will be in FHIR R6 compliant JSON.